lovely weekends lovely weekends
Last weekend in Dorset with J. Had a marvellous time at JM's home and was truly relaxed. Particular high points were learning the words to the Beach Boys' 'Wouldn't it be nice?' in the car, JM's perceptions of my Catholic suffering, waking up and opening the curtains to see hills and cows, sitting in JM's study with the newspaper in utter peace and quiet, Corfe Castle and Sunday roast at the Greyhound. Ahhhhhhh! Bliss.
This weekend - special reunion with V whom I haven't seen for about six years. Slight nervousness before our meeting was dispelled so quickly and we launched straight back into our cups of tea (without the excessive numbers of cigarettes) and long, easy chats. Yesterday we spent the day cycling all over town and laughing in the sunshine. V is so easy to be with and so much fun. I feel so blessed.
Z and I sang at the local open mic and ended up in stitches. Don't expect to be able to play guitar or remember lyrics when you're slightly drunk. Beware the double measures of vodka.
A busy week ahead and then CORNWALL!! I am such an Hedonistic Brat.
Future sounds of jazz, Corn Exchange, Brighton, 24 April 2004
Thanks to D for the tickets. Generally a bit too much going on, and I think I'm beginning to dislike amplified gigs even more these days. But generally had a good time with V, Z and D.