Saturday, November 15, 2003

Brief word before I run to make fool of myself in public... My voice is so croaky this morning - miming is the order of the day!

On "live journal" as J at work showed me the other day, you can add small photos to reflect your mood, and you start each blog with, "Mood: [picture] hopeful" or whatever. I had a look at some people's and I particularly liked the way some of the pictures weren't obviously showing the mood they were trying to convey. So, yesterday mine would have been,

"Mood: upset"

It's embarrassing when you weep at work... Alas!

Anyway, after a
or five with happy company (H, J, W, B, M, met J and friends A and J) at the QH and then the HB, all seemed so much better.... Aaaaaah! :D

Right - lots to do today - making a fool of myself, a trip to the local library, perhaps some grocery shopping, write a couple of letters, job application, comedy night at the K for S's birthday. Here we go!


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