Harold Budd, Brighton Dome, 21 May
What a gong show!
Thank goodness for nice ice cream.
Guess how many times a week I get asked, "Where Do You Come From?" . . .
DP told me he used to work with a man who played golf at 5am every morning before work. During the winter he enjoyed playing with his luminous balls.
Three actors play more than ten characters in an absurd drama through a mixture of fast-paced physical comedy, caricature and musical.
You may recall I spoke of my Dufus-leg experience in March at the Islington Academy. Well, Doof's sister Martha was just as difficult on the calf muscles, if not worse. I like the way she sings with total abandon, and there are times when I felt genuinely moved, but she writes songs that suddenly end just as they are about to go somewhere. Yes, you're quite right in thinking it's just like those teenage angsty songs you write when you're like, in your teens! PP expresses it well when he describes the geeky heckle of 'modulate!' as being somewhat appropriate in these circumstances. We left early, in hobbling haste, to the continuing sounds of Martha-blandness.