a glimpse from the attic
Guess how many times a week I get asked, "Where Do You Come From?" . . .
Thursday, September 29, 2005
Sunday, September 18, 2005
Saturday, September 03, 2005
All quiet on the blogging front...
It's all a bit quiet on the blog front... August was a busy month: continuing the wedding marathon (A & N in lovely barn in Farnham, L & T with croquet and old schoolpals in July, J & K on the 6th in Tankerton), took the opportunity to see A and D in Faversham (thanks for taking such good care of us!), playing badminton, back to Brighton Vox rehearsals, a trip to north Devon where PP taught me to play Yahtzee (cool dice game) and back via JM's in Bridport, celebrating V's birthday on the 14th and the annual Hanover community yoghurt munching day (happily bumping into my ceramics buddies E, R and P and seeing K and R from Brighton Vox), seeing C off before she travels round Australia for a couple of months, celebrating PP's new job with a trip to Moshi Moshi (cool conveyor belt style Japanese restaurant in Brighton), sorting out the next stage of the MOA new visual identity, hanging in Lewes flea markets, the Snowdrop and doing the usual supermarket trips, finishing off the transcribing work for Uni of Cambridge, continuing the digitisation work, meeting lovely people C, I and their kids L and little J, a trip to Stonesfield to see PP's folks, a long overdue first meeting with PP's buddy JR and his family in Sheet, an enjoyable evening of A Midsummer Night's Dream at Headington Hill Park with PP, M and G, meetings with PP's brother-in-law's parents and his uncle's dad, nice dinner at V and A's, enjoying the frosty reception at Woodstock hardware store and Marie Curie charity shop, and starting to deal with all the exciting M-O related events that are coming up in the next few weeks. September will be no less busier - A & C's wedding next week, birthdays for W, D, O, E, J, A, L to mark, finishing the CDs for the CCE/LHR digitisation project, an Extraordinary General Meeting for Coastway radio, usual badminton sessions, M-O talks to give for the OU, a VI form college and a paper on re-using qualitative data and M-O to give at the Uni of Manchester, maybe a couple of gigs and nice lunch with H, C and S to come. There'll be a little busy-ness with work, gigs and comedy in the first week of October before I head to Mauritius to see the extended family and celebrate A & C's wedding. It's all good stuff, really, but I know there are also some of you I would really really like to see but haven't managed it in the last few months. I haven't forgotten you! We will meet again!